Vendor Showcase Premium Content

Flip through dozens of case images using OMNICHROMA

A guide of case images demonstrating the shade-matching capabilities of OMNICHROMA.
OMNICHROMA Case Image Lookbook

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What's Inside?

The culmination of 35 years of research and development, Tokuyama Dental is proud to present OMNICHROMA, the world’s first dental composite that matches every tooth with a single composite shade.

In this lookbook, you can review cases submitted from dentists all over the country using OMNICHROMA.

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Tokuyama Dental

Tokuyama Dental is an award-winning Japanese manufacturer that is recognized for its quality and reliability. We are 100% committed to Innovating Tomorrow’s Dentistry, Today™. It is our mission to listen to your needs, incorporate your voice into the development of top quality dental products, and ensure our products meet the highest standards of the industry.