JADA+ COVID-19 Monograph

During this unprecedented time... – Dr. Blake Bybee, DDS

Written by Sample HubSpot User | Dec 2, 2020 5:16:33 AM

During this unprecedented time and like many other dental professionals, I found time to reflect, ponder and express gratitude for so many things that were previously unnoticed.

It is often during these sacred and quiet times that we search the depths of our souls and remember to appreciate the smallest of blessings.

These moments often took me to the outdoors. In the quiet stillness of nature I began to discover things that I had never before noticed. Using my dental photography lessons, I began capturing images that helped me appreciate the previously unnoticed beauty of life.

The image of the Lazuli Bunting for instance demonstrates majesty and beauty. To the unaware passerby perhaps nothing more than a bird would be seen and yet to one who is patiently searching for beauty, a majestic bird full of rich color and beauty is found.

My hope is that these unprecedented lessons that have been gained during this unprecedented time will continue to be a beacon of brightness, fortitude, and gratitude throughout our lives.


  1. Blake Bybee, DDS